10 reasons WHY US?
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It is one of the most used languages in the worldcode becomes the new, worldwide language.
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It helps to be active consumers
Understanding technology is not the same thing as usingtechnology.Coding is the best way to understand technology.Understanding technology is the only way to be able toevaluate benefits and disadvantages, as well asopportunities and risks. (kaggle)
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Kids learn faster
kids learn faster and better. If we look at digitalnatives, we see that they show a surprisingpredisposition to using certain tools.
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It stimulates creativity
What happens when kids’ unlimited imaginationmeets a tool with infinite potentialities such ascoding?
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It allows ideas to take shape
Everybody has ideas. The huge difference is that only afew people can actually realize them. Coding allowsrealizing them.IN TWO HOURS , YOU ‘LL BE ABLE TO CREATE AVIDEOGAME.
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It introduces to problem-solving
Learning how to code introduces kids to problem solving; it shows how to look at the whole picture andface the problem from different points of view.
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It stimulates critical thinking
Programming helps to break down the problemsinto a myriad of smaller problems;
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It encourages computational thinking
It encourages computational thinking Teaching programming to kids encourages computational thinking, which, if cultivated at an early age,approach problems in a structured way
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It directs minds toward storytelling
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It’s fun
Let’s say it: It is fun!Just don’t call it “code”.
#YourChildCode هتعلم طفلك البرمجة بطريقة مبدعة وبشكل ترفيهى ، بالإضافة إن طفلك هيتعلم ازاى لما تقابله مشكله يستنتج ان فيه حاجة وازاى انه يعتمد على نفسه فى حل المشكلة وبالتالى هيطور من نفسه وطريقة تفكيره ☺ ☺
Posted by Your Child Code on Sunday, April 8, 2018